Father Teach Me to Love Again

How well do we love each other? How well do we reflect His love?  Are we willing to allow Him to teach us to Love like He does?  Are we ready for this, "Father, teach me to love like You love." These questions really hit home recently.

Have you ever had an opportunity to show the love of God but blew it? Here is one of those times for me. Part of Christian Living is to watch for these times to show His love for others.

The Waiting Room

I was sitting in the second waiting room, waiting my turn.  I had to have a routine surgical procedure done.

I was not anxious.  I was not worried one little bit.  I felt completely at peace and I was actually looking forward to experiencing the results of the procedure.  It was more like "Finally!  I will get some relief!"

I knew God had everything under complete control.  Nothing would happen to me without His permission.  I had my Kobo reader to help me pass the time in the lonely second waiting room.  My husband had sat with me for the hour long wait in the first waiting room, but he was not permitted in the second room.

I passed the time reading and calmly flipping through magazines.

Another lady entered and her husband was with her.  The anesthesiologist arrived to discuss her procedure.  He ended up spending several minutes with her because she kept asking questions.

I was getting a bit annoyed with her incessant queries.

She was asking them when she was first being admitted on the first floor admitting station. I was behind her, waiting to be admitted myself, and the whole process took much longer than it shoudl have because of her endless questions.

And now, she her enquiries continued in the 2nd waiting room.  She wanted to know if little sips of water was ok since had been taking sips of water throughout the day – and I'm thinking "Did you not read your instructions?  They said no water at all!"

Can she have more?

Just a little bit?

How long will it take?

When can her husband come see her?

Can he come into the other little room?

Can he come into the operating room?

Can he come with her to the operating room doors?

Her questions seemed endless.  I was getting tired of hearing all of them!  Enough already!

May I Have A Do Over, Please?

But then, as she was taken into the next room to go into the OR area, she had to leave her husband and she began to cry.  She was taken away quickly and her husband left the room rather fast as well.

I felt awful for her.

I felt awful about my own reaction.

Of course, I didn't realize until right then that her relentless questions were due to the fact that she was afraid.  She was being overtaken and overwhelmed by fear and anxiety.

She did not have the Prince of Peace quieting her heart and soothing her spirit like I did.

Oh how I wish I could have a 'do over' of those moments.  I could have sought God for wisdom and understanding.  Maybe He would've shown me that she was just scared.  Then I could have prayed for her while we all waited.

Or, even better, I could've asked her if she would like me to say a private prayer for her – so she would know I was praying for her before she went in.

I did pray for her after I realized my pride and ignorance had gotten in God's way.  And I repented of my sinful attitude.  How dare I be proud and arrogant of the gift of peace bestowed upon me?  Who did I think I was anyway?  Certainly not someone loved more than she.

Learn From Mistakes

While I can't press 'rewind', I can learn from this, and learn I will.

Now may our God and Father Himself, andAccording to 1 Thessalonians 3, loving one another allows God to establish our hearts as blameless in holiness.  I can see how not loving would bring blame – the above is my case in point!  I wish I could be blameless in that incident.

I love how chapter 4 addresses loving each other as well.

To be known in our area as a group who loves each other – WOW!

What a calling to have – what a thing to be known for!

FatherMy prayer is that God will teach me how to love, but I will take that even further and increase more and more.

Please, Father, develop such an abounding love within my heart that people will KNOW it, SEE it, FEEL it.  That they will have no doubt that it is Your love pouring out through me.  ESPECIALLY my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Yes, we hear time and again that we should love those who are not believers.  But how do we treat the the very people we will be spending eternity with?  We will love those who are unbelievers while hating our fellow Christian brothers and sisters.

What message does this send to unbelievers?

Do you really think they'll want to become believers when they see how horribly we treat each other?

I wouldn't want to.

This makes my heart grieve.

I want to love my brothers and sisters in Christ so much that the outside world will see it and WANT it, too.

Let Me Be Known

For His Love

[ctt title="Let Me Be Known For His Love #Godslove " tweet="Let Me Be Known For His Love #Godslove http://ctt.ec/r7b6x+" coverup="r7b6x"]

Who's with me?

Have you ever had an opportunity to show the love of God but blew it? Here is one of those times for me. Part of Christian Living is to watch for these times to show His love for others.

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Aimee is a wife to an incredible husband, Marcus, and mother to three fabulous children. She works from home as a homeschool support teacher and she homeschools her own children as well. She loves writing abut her faith and decided to give blogging a try in 2013. The rest is history...


Source: https://aimeeimbeau.com/2013/09/28/father-teach-me-to-love-like-you-love/

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